The Dark Angel of South Shields

Vulture, the enigmatic wrestler from South Shields, England, has left an indelible mark on the world of professional wrestling. Born on July 28, 1980, Vulture's early life was marked by a quiet determination that would eventually manifest into a career in the ring.

The Early Years

As a young man, Vulture honed his skills in various independent promotions, perfecting his craft and building a reputation as a formidable competitor. His first match date, June 20, 2009, marked the beginning of a journey that would take him to the top echelons of the sport.

The Rise of a Legend

Vulture's breakthrough came with his debut in RAD:PRO Wrestling, where he quickly established himself as a force to be reckoned with. His first title win, the RAD:PRO Mix Tag Championship, cemented his status as a top-tier talent. As his star continued to rise, Vulture began to make waves in other prominent promotions, including 3 Count Wrestling and Independent Wrestling Federation.

The Later Years

By the time Vulture's final match date rolled around on March 19, 2016, he had left an enduring legacy in the world of professional wrestling. His last hurrah was marked by a series of thrilling matches that showcased his remarkable skillset. Though his active roles may have come to an end, Vulture's impact will be felt for generations to come.

A Legacy That Will Not Be Forgotten

Vulture's story is one of perseverance and dedication. From his humble beginnings in South Shields to his eventual status as a wrestling legend, he has inspired countless fans with his captivating performances. As we look back on his illustrious career, it becomes clear that Vulture was always destined for greatness – a true dark angel of the ring.
Name: Vulture
Date of Birth: 28 July 1980
Born In: South Shields, England, UK