The Weighted Punches of Ric Blade

The lights flickered like fireflies on a summer night as Ric Blade stepped into the ring. His eyes, two dark pools of intensity, seemed to bore holes into the souls of his opponents. The air was thick with anticipation, heavy with the promise of pain and punishment.

Ric Blade, the man they called "F'N" for reasons that would soon become apparent, was a force to be reckoned with in the world of professional wrestling. Weighing in at 207 pounds, he was no giant, but his 6-foot-1-inch frame packed a punch that could knock you off your feet.

As he flexed his muscles, the crowd held its collective breath. This was it – the moment when Ric Blade would unleash hell upon his opponents. The Drug Bomb, a move so brutal it defied explanation, was mere seconds away from being delivered with precision and malice.

Edge of the Blade, another of his signature moves, was a thing of beauty – or terror, depending on your perspective. It was as if Ric had somehow distilled the essence of combat into a single, deadly blow that would leave you reeling.

Ric Blade's career in wrestling began in 1999, and since then, he has racked up an impressive array of titles: JAPW Light Heavyweight Championship, Honorary CZW Junior Heavyweight Championship, CZW Tag Team Championship, and two HW Light Heavyweight Championships to boot. He had fought the good fight, and his reputation preceded him like a harbinger of doom.

Combat Zone Wrestling, National Wrestling Alliance, Big Japan Pro-Wrestling – Ric Blade had battled the best of them all, emerging victorious from the fray with his dignity intact. His exploits in Jersey All Pro Wrestling and Pro Pain Pro Wrestling had left fans gasping in awe.

And yet, despite the accolades, there was something about Ric Blade that remained shrouded in mystery. Like a phantom from the shadows, he appeared, delivering swift justice to those who dared oppose him. His true identity, like his motivations, remained unknown – but one thing was certain: when Ric Blade stepped into the ring, you'd better be ready to rumble.

**The End of the Line**
Name: Ric Blade
Real Name: Ric Blade
Ring Names: Ric Blade
Promotion: Freelancer
Date of Birth: New Jersey
Born In: New Jersey, United States

Entrance Themes

Signature Moves