The Unlikely Duo: A Profile of the Inhumans Tag Team

In the often unpredictable and ever-changing landscape of professional wrestling, some partnerships are forged in fire and others in unexpected circumstances. Such is the case with the Inhumans, a tag team comprised of two seasoned veterans, Invader #1 and Savio Vega.

Invader #1, whose real name is Jose Huertas Gonzales, brought his wealth of experience to the ring, having started his career in 1979. At 255 pounds and standing at 5'11", he was a force to be reckoned with in the squared circle. His rugged style, honed over decades of competition, made him a formidable opponent.

Savio Vega, on the other hand, was born Juan Rivera in 1966. A chiseled 260 pounds and standing at the same height as his partner, he brought a unique blend of martial arts expertise and all-around wrestling prowess to the table. His impressive physique earned him nicknames like Gerente General, The Man They Call TNT, and The Mighty.

The Inhumans' synergy was palpable from their first match on April 22, 2006, onwards. Their combined strength allowed them to adapt to any situation, making them a force to be reckoned with in the International Wrestling Association Puerto Rico (IWA PR) promotion.

Their partnership lasted until June 18, 2006, but left an indelible mark on the wrestling world. The Inhumans proved that even the most unlikely of duos could come together and achieve greatness. Their legacy serves as a testament to the power of collaboration and perseverance in the often unpredictable world of professional wrestling.
Members: Invader #1 and Savio Vega
Promotions: IWA PR


Inhumans Tag Team: A Look Back at Their Notable Run

Here are 10 interesting facts and tidbits about the Inhumans tag team:

• The Inhumans, consisting of Invader #1 and Savio Vega, made their debut on April 22, 2006.

• This tag team combination was a unique one, blending the ruggedness of Invader #1's brawling style with the all-around skills and martial arts background of Savio Vega.

• The Inhumans primarily worked for International Wrestling Association Puerto Rico (IWA PR) during their active period.

• Their last match together took place on June 18, 2006, marking a relatively short but impactful run in the world of professional wrestling.

• Invader #1, whose real name is Jose Huertas Gonzales, brought a high level of intensity to his matches, often relying on sheer power and aggression to get the job done.

• Savio Vega, born Juan Rivera, was known for his versatility and well-rounded approach to wrestling, incorporating elements of martial arts into his style.

• The Inhumans' pairing allowed them to create a formidable team that could adapt to any situation, making them a force to be reckoned with in the ring.

• Despite their relatively short time together, the Inhumans managed to leave a lasting impression on fans and fellow wrestlers alike.

• The chemistry between Invader #1 and Savio Vega was palpable, allowing them to build a strong foundation for their tag team and create memorable matches.

• Their matches often featured a mix of high-flying action and brutal brawling, showcasing the Inhumans' unique blend of styles.

• Despite the end of their active run in 2006, the Inhumans remain an interesting footnote in the history of professional wrestling, offering fans a glimpse into what could have been if they had continued as a tag team.