The Unlikely Duo: Justin Credible and Lance Storm

The Impact Players were never supposed to be more than just another fleeting moment in the ever-shifting landscape of professional wrestling. But then again, that's what made them so compelling.

Justin Credible, the lovable hothead with a penchant for getting under people's skin, and Lance Storm, the stoic, no-nonsense veteran who always seemed to have a plan, were an unlikely pairing from the start. And yet, it was their unlikely chemistry that helped them become one of the most formidable tag teams in ECW history.

Their first match together took place on March 21st, 1999 - just another night in the rough-and-tumble world of extreme wrestling. But as they began to gel, both in and out of the ring, something special started to take shape.

The Rise to Power

It wasn't long before Credible and Storm found themselves at the top of the ECW tag team mountain, holding aloft the coveted World Tag Team Championship. Their reign was marked by a series of thrilling matches against some of the best tag teams in the business - and they emerged victorious every time.

But what really set them apart from other duos was their unique dynamic. Credible's fiery passion played off perfectly against Storm's calm, collected approach. It was as if they had found that perfect balance, that sweet spot where chaos and control merged into a beautiful mess of sweat, tears, and triumph.

The Legacy

Of course, not every moment was golden. There were the inevitable disagreements, the heated arguments that threatened to tear them apart at any moment. But even in those darkest moments, they always managed to find their way back to each other - and to the top of the mountain.

Their final match together took place on September 20th, 2014 - a fitting tribute to a partnership that had lasted for nearly two decades. As they stood victorious in the ring, surrounded by the adoring crowd, it was clear that something special had happened. A bond had formed, a connection that went beyond just two men in a ring.

The Impact Players may have started out as just another tag team, but they left behind a legacy that will be remembered for years to come - a testament to the power of unlikely partnerships and the unbreakable bonds that can form in the most unexpected places.
Members: Justin Credible and Lance Storm
Promotions: ECW


Impact Players: A Legacy of Tag Team Excellence

• The Impact Players made their debut on March 21st, 1999, in Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), marking the beginning of a successful tag team career.

• Justin Credible and Lance Storm, two all-around and technical grapplers respectively, formed an unstoppable duo that would go on to achieve great things together.

• Their first major victory came when they won the ECW World Tag Team Championship in 2000. This marked the start of a long string of accomplishments for the pair.

• The Impact Players worked extensively for Pro Wrestling Syndicate (PWS), where they continued to hone their skills and perfect their craft as a tag team.

• Throughout their career, the Impact Players were known for their incredible chemistry, both in and out of the ring. Their partnership was built on trust, respect, and a deep understanding of each other's strengths and weaknesses.

• Credible brought a high-flying, hard-hitting style to the table, while Storm provided the technical expertise and strategic thinking that allowed them to adapt to any situation.

• As a team, they were virtually unbeatable, with a winning percentage that few tag teams could match. Their impressive resume includes multiple title reigns and memorable matches against some of the best teams in the business.

• One notable aspect of their partnership was their ability to seamlessly blend styles, allowing them to counter and overcome even the most formidable opponents.

• The Impact Players' final match took place on September 20th, 2014, marking the end of an era for this iconic tag team. Despite hanging up their boots, their legacy continues to inspire new generations of wrestlers and fans alike.

• As a testament to their enduring impact (pun intended!), Justin Credible and Lance Storm remain some of the most beloved and respected figures in professional wrestling history.