The Carson Brothers: A Tale of Twisted Tethers

The ropes creaked in rhythm as the Carson Brothers, Don and Dick Murdoch, descended into the fray. Their tag team, forged from the very fabric of competition, was a force to be reckoned with in the National Wrestling Alliance's (NWA) heyday. For nearly three years, they wreaked havoc on the mat, leaving a trail of battered opponents in their wake.

A Brotherly Bond

The Carson Brothers' partnership was more than just a professional arrangement – it was a familial affair. Don and Dick Murdoch were blood brothers, bound together by ties of kinship as well as shared triumphs. Their bond was tested time and again, as they navigated the treacherous landscape of pro wrestling.

A Legacy of Lacerations

The Carson Brothers' résumé read like a laundry list of lacerations. NWA World Tag Team Championship? Check. NWA Gulf Coast Tag Team Championship? You bet. The duo's first match date was February 20, 1967, and their last was December 24, 1967 – a span that saw them rack up an impressive tally of victories.

A Profile in Courage

Don Carson (real name: Hoyt Richard Murdoch) stood at an imposing 6 feet 2 inches, his weight check-in at a formidable 288 pounds. His wrestling style was a unique blend of all-rounder brawler and rugged rodeo machine. Nicknames abounded – Captain Redneck, Dirty, Super Rodeo Machine – each one reflecting the unyielding intensity he brought to every match.

A Life Cut Short

Don Carson's life was marked by a sudden, unexpected turn. He passed away on June 15, 1996, at the age of 50, due to a heart attack. His brother Dick Murdoch would follow suit just over 16 years later, his date with mortality arriving on March 16, 2013.

The Legacy Lives On

The Carson Brothers' legacy endures, a testament to the power of sibling camaraderie and unrelenting dedication to their craft. Though they may be gone, their impact remains – a reminder that even in the world of pro wrestling, bonds forged between brothers can transcend the very mat they call home.
Members: Don Carson and Dick Murdoch
Promotions: NWA


Carson Brothers: A Pioneering Force in Professional Wrestling

• The Carson Brothers, consisting of Don Carson and Dick Murdoch, were a dominant force in professional wrestling during the late 1960s.

• Their first match together took place on February 20, 1967, marking the beginning of their successful tag team career.

• Throughout their tenure, they worked for various promotions, including the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA), where they won the NWA World Tag Team Championship.

• The Carson Brothers also held the NWA Gulf Coast Tag Team Championship, further solidifying their reputation as a formidable force in professional wrestling.

• Dick Murdoch's all-around wrestling style and brawling ability were key components of the team's success. His real name was Hoyt Richard Murdoch, but he was better known to fans as Dick Murdoch.

• Don Carson's skills and chemistry with Murdoch helped the pair become one of the most successful tag teams of their era.

• The Carson Brothers' last match together took place on December 24, 1967, bringing an end to their time in the ring as a duo.

• During their active years, the team was known for their exciting matches and ability to draw large crowds, making them a beloved fixture in professional wrestling.

• Despite the passage of time, the Carson Brothers remain an important part of professional wrestling history, serving as a testament to the hard work and dedication required to succeed at the highest level.

• The legacy of the Carson Brothers continues to be celebrated by fans and fellow wrestlers alike, ensuring their place in the annals of professional wrestling lore.